👩‍🔬The most Unforgettable Day

-The most unforgettable day was getting golden opportunity to meet the most motivational speaker or the first blogger as well as vlogger popularly known as Denkars Gataway.I have seen her mostly on social medias posting her daily travel experiences including places and people all across the country.She is admired and idealised by so many Bhutanese and aspiring travellers worldwide.

Moreover,she is a social worker, nature enthusiast and inspirational speaker.Her contribution after travelling all across the country results in exposing all the condition,priestine environment,various people and cultures within our locality which enables our youth to get familair scenario.Recently,she have done the research on climate change and nomadic migration which states that the weather at the mountain is becoming increasingly unpredictable,with changes in timing,frequency and amount of rainfall.Temperatures are rising gradually.Such issues and reserch based on it is really amazing which will enable to enact certain solutions or measures to prevent.She is such a bold,ambitious person who travels tirelessly and explores beyond everything.Recently,she have published the book known as 'The Tourist Within'and this book has contributed to the promotion of Domestic Tourism in Bhutan sharing her experiences in travelling wide and far and presents aunthentic stories. I have learnt that in our life,we need to go beyond our comfort zone in order to do something or achieve the things.Obstacles and failures is a part of our life and we need to groom oneself through each stage.From the above pictures,i think it will truely help students to motivate and work towards ones own dream and aspirations.It will help them to explore new things espicially in learning. He or she will incalcate the habit of doing the things through self realization and individualized manner by browsing so many other resources.

 -With this,I am so glad to meet her and it was really an authentic moment to be cherished forever with the sense of satisfaction and appreciation.


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